
The art of connecting numerical patterns in our lives

Numerology…The study of numbers and their incredible effects on our lives.

Numerology is a science based on numbers and their incredible affect on our lives. Numbers have been in existence since the beginning of time and predates all alphabets. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras later became 'Fathers of Numerology' . He is the one who developed the Pythagorean Numerology 2,400 years ago. which is also known as modern numerology. He was able to apply his knowledge and understanding in practical areas for the needs of mankind. Pythagoras gained his knowledge of numbers from Egypt and the Near East. Some researchers have found evidence that Numerology was practiced in Egypt as far back as 13,000 years ago. Numerology is a tool to investigate our own very being and to bring light our highest potential on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Numerology tells us our potential destiny, our natural talents and helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. It shows us the pathway we need to take in our lives to fulfill this potential and also tells us one of the many reasons why each one has different traits and characteristics. Numerology is the study of numbers and their incredible effect on our lives. Numerology could however be better named "The Science of Numbers”.