The Science of Numbers.
Numerology tells of our potential destiny, our natural talents and helps us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. It shows us the pathway we need to take in our lives to fulfil this potential and also tells us one of the many reasons why each one has different traits and characteristics
Each number has a different vibration, and can therefore give us a better understanding of one's pathway and the circumstances which surround our life. It can direct one to the career best suited to each person, and gives us the opportunity to be more aware of the talents we have and of the pathways we choose to utilize them. It also tells us of the compatibility we have with another, especially who would be most compatible as a partner for you, It tells you how you may best help your family and friends, due to the numbers which control their lives.
Each number is influenced by a different planet in our Solar System. Each letter of the alphabet vibrates to a given number, 1-9, which is also the span of our life cycles. These numbers under which we were born plus the numbers in our names are the tools we are given in order that we may accomplish our mission in life and enable us to work through all our Karmic Lessons. The Vibratory Power of each number affects us in both Positive and Negative ways.
The symbol meanings that surround the nine whole numbers are the centre of Numerological divination.
Numbers integrate into many other divinity methods, Numbers can represent stages in the unfolding of any process and can be keyed to planets, days, colours, qualities, vastu directions, character types and much more.
The ancient indian searchers after Nature's laws, it must be remembered, were in former years masters of all such studies, but in transmitting their knowledge to their descendants, they so endeavoured to hide their secrets from the common people that in most of cases the key to the problem, knowledge became lost and the truth that had been discovered became buried in the dust of superstition and charlatanism, let us hope, when some similar cycle of thought in its own appointed time will again claim attention to this side of nature.
This ancient people, together with the Chaldeans and Egyptians, were the absolute masters of the occult or hidden meaning of numbers, in their application to time and in their relation to human life
When examining such questions, we must not forget that it was the Hindus who discovered what is known as the precession of the Equinoxes, and in their calculation such an occurrence takes place every 25,827 years; our modern science after labours of hundreds of years has simply proved them to be correct.
How, or by what means they were able to arrive at such a calculation, has never been discovered, observations lasting over such a period of time are hardly admissible and calculation without instruments is also scarcely conceivable, and so science has only been able, first to accept their statement, and later to acknowledge its accuracy Their judgment, together with that of the Chaldeans, as to the length of what is now known as the cycle of years of the planets, has been handed down to us from the most remote ages, and also by our modern appliances has been proved correct, so when one comes to a study such as this, as to the value of the numbers 1 to 9. which, as the seven harmonies of music are the bases of all music that has ever been conceived, these above-stated numbers are the basis of all our numbers and calculations, it is then only logical to accept the decisions of those great students of long past ages and at least examine their deductions with a mind free from bias and prejudice.
It is impossible to give in detail all the reasonings and examples that exist for a belief in the occult side of numbers, but it may give a few illustrations of why the number 7 has for ages been regarded as the number of mystery relating to the spiritual side of things and why the number 9 has in its turn come to be regarded as the finality or end of the series on which all our materialistic calculations are built, but the most casual observer can only admit that beyond the number 9 all ordinary numbers become but a mere repetition of the first 9. A simple illustration of this will readily suffice.
The number 10, as the zero is not a number, becomes a repetition of the number 1+0= 1, The number 11 added together as the ancient occultists laid down in their law of natural addition, namely, adding together from left to right, 11 repeats the number 1+1= 2, 12 repeats 1+2= 3, 13 repeats 1+3=4, 14 repeats 1+4=5 and so on up to 19, which in its turn becomes 1+9=10 represents 1+0=1 and so again the repetition 20 represents 2, and so on to infinity.
In this way it will be seen that in all our materialistic systems of numbers, the numbers 1 to 9 are the base on which we are compelled to build, just as in the same way the seven 7 great or primary harmonies in music are the bases of all music, and again as the seven primary colours are the bases of all our combinations of colours, seven chakras, the seven thrones, the seven seals, the seven churches, the seven heaven, in hinduism seven rishis, seven planets, the seven Amschaspands of Persian faith, seven Angels of the Chaldeans, The seven Sephiroth of the Hebrew Cabala, the seven Spirits referred to in the Egyptian religion., In passing it may be remarked that all through ancient indian spiritual books, the Bible and other sacred books, the "seven," whenever mentioned, always stands in relation to the spiritual or mysterious God force and has a curious significance in this sense whenever employed.
If we were to examine every class of occult teaching from the Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew, or modern school, whichever one may choose, in every case and without a single exception we shall find that the quality of the number 7 stands for the expression of that mysterious God force in Nature before referred to.
In the most ancient rules of occult philosophy we find the rule laid down that the number 7 is the only number capable of dividing "the number of Eternity," and continuing in itself as long as the number representing Eternity lasts, and yet, at every addition of itself producing the number 9, or in other words it produces the basic number on which all materialistic calculations are built on and which all human beings depend and the whole edifice of human thought finds expression.
The number 1 is the first number. It represents the First Cause, Creator, Lord, God or Spirit, call it as you like.
A circle or the zero, "o" has always been taken as the symbol of endlessness otherwise Eternity. Place the 1 and 0 by its side, and you get the significant symbol of eternity such as 1+0=10, and then place as many of these emblems of eternity side by side as you like, and you get such a figure as 1,000,000.
Divide by the mystic number seven 7)1,000,000 and you get the number 142857, 1+4+2+8+5+7=9., the Nine finality or end of the series.